Phase 4

Dylan Castellanos 5/22/22 CCAA F.C Self Assignment Essay With completing this term/class, I really had a lot to learn and reflect on. When this class started I thought that it was going to be one of the hardest classes that I would have. I thought that because of the experiences that my friends have shared with me. They told me all the time that they dreaded this class and they were always stressed from it, so that kind of scared me. The first day of class all my worries went away. Our teacher was so nice and genuine, it took a weight off of my shoulders because I thought this class was going to be a breeze. But midway through the semester I found myself not focused, I was focusing on other things except for my college classes which was a mistake. I wasn’t paying attention to the amount of assignments I was missing. The end of the semester was around the corner and I still wasn’t focused. I became a softball manager for my school and I was having so much fun with it that I completely forgot about my missing assignments. One of my friends who was a senior told me one day, to try my best to pass this class because it would suck to have to take this class, knowing that I have such a good teacher. I knew that I wouldn’t get a teacher like this again, because like I said before many of my friends told me that they did not like their teachers and that they always assigned a lot of work. I feel like that gave me the motivation I needed to complete all my work because I did not want to repeat this class. In the last few weeks left of the semester I started banging out all the assignments and I got all of them done. I was really proud of myself because I had a lot of missing assignments and I got them all done in just a week. One thing that i learned from this semester was to not procrastinate because it could really put you back.